The Adventures and Misadventures of a 2nd Grader

Monday, September 11, 2006

Cleaning my room

Today we cleaned my room because a few days ago my sister went in my room looking for a kangaroo and got out all the animals in my toy box -- except for a fish. I did the animals and mommy picked up all the trash that was in my room. Then we did the books. Mommy put the books in order and I gave her the books under my bunk bed. All the poem books were in a group, all the fiction chapter books were in a group, all the non-fiction books were in another group.

To have fun while we cleaned, we invented a comic called, “Andres vs. Tornado Man” and we listened to Buffy: The Musical. I wanted to invent the comic because I wanted to be like Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid. So the bad guy was Tornado Man, who tornadoes all around and destroys houses like other regular tornadoes. Tornado Man was my sister, and the toy kangaroo she was looking for was a pet cheetah that went in my toy box and I thought it was a toy cheetah. Then when Tornado Man noticed that his cheetah had not come back, he went and destroyed the whole house looking for his pet. With the help of Mary Poppins and a spoonful of sugar we rebuilt the house.


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