The Adventures and Misadventures of a 2nd Grader

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Five fishies, three colors

I have five toy fishies. Two are green, two are blue, and one is yellow. Yellow is things like respect, honesty, trustworthy, and responsibility. Yellow is the commander of all five fishies. Next in line is blue. The blue is strength, speed, and courage -- anything that is wild. Green is last in line. It is the opposite of blue: slow and weak are two describing words for them.

I didn't read this out of a book; I invented it myself. First I invented Blue, because blue is my favorite color and I am in love with dinosaurs, monsters, jaguars, leopards, sharks -- anything that involves wild, just like blue is anything that involves wild. Blue is me. Then I made green. Because green is my last favorite color I made it the opposite of me. Then I made yellow honesty and trustworthy and stuff because it was the only thing left to call it. Yellow is the leader.

The blues are practicing honesty and trustworthy and stuff to be purple. Yellow is trying to be wild to be purple too. Purple is the real best. The greens are practicing wild and honesty to just move on to purple, but they mostly practice wild. The greens are pulled in a ring by a chain, the blues (I) pull the chain so that the greens can stay out of harm while being with the group.


  • You are very bright to think up all that all by yourself! When I grow up I want to be purple too.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:29 PM  

  • Andres, estoy muy impresionado y a la vez orgulloso de tu creatvidad y originalidad en cada una de las historias que has escrito. Por la forma en que manejas el lenguaje y entiendes matematicas, estoy seguro que seras un gran cientifico.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:20 PM  

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