The Adventures and Misadventures of a 2nd Grader

Monday, January 15, 2007

Arctic Adventure

One day at school, at recess, I had an imaginary Arctic Adventure. There was a giant octopus trying to catch me with its tentacles. The tentacles sprung out from footprints and patches with no snow. Then one time when I hopped away from a tentacle, the snow cracked. I pretended it was an Arctic earthquake. It felt like an earthquake too. Anthony asked if he could play. I told him to not step on footprints and make as less footprints as he could, but it was hard because he had boots. Then I dared myself to walk on a pile of snow which was the octopus' head. I saw the octopus' mouth (mound of snow with hole in it). Then Anthony threw a fake sandwich into the octopus' mouth. The octopus' huge tentacles went out to grab us and we ran away towards the fence. Then the school bell rang and Anthony didn't know it was ours so he stayed there and when he saw the line he rushed to join.


  • Hola mi nomber es Marcelo y tengo 9 aƱos y creo que tu juego que inventaste en tu recreo es inpresionante y muy padre espero que otro dia tengas otro juego para compartir.

    En mis recreos yo tambien juego a juegos muy divertidos como soccer u otros juegos inventados.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:58 AM  

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